Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Newspaper Photos of Bush Looking Presidential?

I’m so used to seeing the U.S. media print photos of President Bush looking angry, monkey-ish, and/or constipated that it’s a surprise when a newspaper contains a photo in which he looks good.

Here are two photos from the March 30th edition of “The Daily Yomiuri”, a Japanese newspaper:

I guess we have to go overseas to find a newspaper photo that chooses to print good photos of the President.


At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this another example of fauxtography? isn't that the guy from Saturday Night Live? it can't possibly be the real GWB, he's too evil/dumb/whatever to smile and walk at the same time!

the reason he's all smiles is because he lied and kids died.

heheh, i'm on a roll here, PR!

but seriously... a few good photographs can't really combat the meme that he's dumb/angry/constipated, but they're still nice to see. Of course, I get the newsletter of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, there's lots of good pix there.


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