Sunday, March 23, 2008

Clinton “Ready to Rumble”

Recently, while waiting in a doctor’s office, I read an interesting article in the March 17th issue of Time magazine. The article, “Clinton’s Collateral Damage”, discussed the implications of the bruising battle between Hillary and Barack for the Democratic nomination.

The first paragraph immediately caught my eye. (The emphasis is mine.)

An Arkansas state legislator once said of Bill Clinton that he would pat you on the back while he urinated down your leg. The corollary for Clinton's wife Hillary could be that she will tell the world how honored she is to share a stage with Barack Obama even as she's gearing up to smash him. When it comes to politics, the Clinton philosophy is simple: It's war, and wars are for winning. Bill put it this way, back in 1981: "When someone is beating you over the head with a hammer, don't sit there and take it. Take out a meat cleaver and cut off their hand."
Wouldn’t it be great if the Clintons had the same philosophy about actual war?


At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tsk tsk...

don't the clintons know people are tired of the war imagery? they want "change". they want the Messiah to come and redeem them. To "elevate" them and "help them evolve". heck, he'll probably also help folks balance their checkbooks, shed those pesky extra pounds and get a nice tan. maybe that's how he'll make us get past the "black and white" divide. everyone will be tanned!

but "seriously", the funny thing is, (and this is no big insight exclusive to me) the more those two battle each other, the easier it'll be for mccain to win in november. not that i like him very much, but given the alternatives... well, like the saying goes "at least he's 'our' SOB".


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