Sunday, June 17, 2007

How 12 Million Could Turn Into 50 Million

If you want to know how quickly 12 million illegal immigrants could turn into 50 million or more, read this story about how one illegal immigrant, through the laws of the 1986 amnesty, brought his entire extended family into the United States.

In the three decades since his crossing, all nine of his siblings followed, bringing spouses and children. The Baltazar clan, now too numerous to count, stretches from Eastern North Carolina, where its members started out working the fields, to Florida, Texas and Colorado.
I’m all for giving people a chance at a better life, but I’m also a realist. We can’t let everyone into our country. We should instead pressure the corrupt Mexican government to improve conditions at home rather than force Mexicans to come to the United States looking for work, emptying whole villages in the process.

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