Friday, May 05, 2006

The Sudan vs. Iraq

Democrats criticize us for invading Iraq, removing a violent dictator and stopping mass murder, because we didn't have the support of the U.N. They decry our "unilateral" actions in Iraq, saying we should have instead taken a "multilateral" approach.

Yet, at the same time, Democrats criticize us for doing nothing in the Sudan to stop the violence there. We've left that situation for the U.N. to handle, and they've done it in the typical U.N. way - by doing nothing. Instead, the U.N. argues whether what's happening in the Sudan can be defined as "genocide"!

So, if we take unilateral action, the Democrats condemn us, and if we take a multilateral approach, they also condemn us.

Typical liberal logic.


At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Short and sweet, very well written.


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