My Positions on Key Issues
In case any of you are wondering what my positions are on certain key issues, here they are. (I've already posted on most of these issues, so please see my blog posts for more details.)
I'm against it. I believe abortion is killing babies.
I believe we humans are poisoning our planet and contributing to global warming. We must take action now to protect the Earth and preserve our environment for future generations. However, I also believe that the United States, while not perfect, is one of the most environmentally-responsible countries in the world.
I supported the invasion but am not happy with how the war has been run.
I voted for him twice because I liked him better than Gore and Kerry. I do not support everything President Bush says or does.
I am upset that our government does not have more fiscal discipline.
This is an issue I struggle with. Being hetero, it's impossible for me to understand being gay. I know enough homosexuals, both men and women, to know that they are good people, who deserve the right to happiness. However, I believe homosexuality is wrong and that marriage should be a lifelong partnership between one man and one woman.
I believe we need to control our borders. You don't let just anyone into your house to eat your food and watch your big-screen TV - they have to be invited. Why should the U.S. let just anyone into our country to partake of our economy and government-supplied benefits?
You think abortion is killing babies? When does the fetus become a baby? When does the egg become a fetus? At which time point is it a baby?
Hi Bill,
Your questions are legitimate and I will briefly give my opinions here. I will write a more comprehensive post in the near future.
Obviously, you must be sure in your answers to these same questions if you support abortion. You must know when a fetus is still a fetus and not yet a baby if you are willing to support its destruction.
Here is my opinion:
As technology has improved over the past few decades, we are able to save premature babies earlier and earlier. What used to be an "abortable" fetus is now a savable premature baby.
I think I would rather err on the conservative side in case, one day, science is able to prove that life begins at conception, at 6 weeks, or at 12 weeks.
If that happens, I would hate to be the person who supported abortion and have those millions of deaths on my soul and conscience.
Best regards,
PR, What is it about being gay that you don't "understand"? In the same way that you are attracted to the opposite sex, I am attracted to the same sex. I've always been gay and yet I "understand" you being straight. How is homosexuality a difficult concept to comprehend? If you want to have a legitimate argument about gay marriage, then I'd be glad to participate. But please don't cop out by saying you don't "understand being gay." By the way, great blog! David
Hi David,
Thanks for the comment.
I didn't mean to cop out by saying that I don't understand being gay. It was just a bad choice of words.
I probably should have said something like "I don't know what it's like being gay," which is true since I am not gay.
If you've read my other posts, you probably have figured out that I don't intentionally cop out. I try to tackle all topics directly, even the most difficult ones. :-)
Best regards,
PR, Well, I can tell you what it's like being gay. I actually don't think it's too different from being straight (except for that darn sexual attraction thing). My partner and I have been together for eight years, and our life is quite normal. Pretty much the same as our heterosexual friends. I think the only difference is that we have to contend with people such as you who announce that they think being gay is "wrong." What does that mean? Is it wrong (i.e., a sin) based on your interpretation of Scripture or...? Does the fact that you feel homosexuality is "wrong" play into your decision that gay marriage should not be allowed? And if not, then why do you feel it necessary to tell the world that you feel homosexuality is wrong? David
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