Thursday, April 20, 2006

Great Conservative Minds Think Alike

Seattle is a very liberal town, so it's surprising how well conservative talk radio has done here. We have two fantastic, conservative radio stations in Seattle: KVI 570 and 770 KTTH.

As I commute to work every morning, I have a choice between two great shows:

Kirby Wilbur has long been my favorite because he is articulate and logical. I have enjoyed our on-air conversations when he takes my occasional calls.

The other show, with
Dan Sytman and David Boze, is fairly new, but is also well-done. The banter between the two hosts, especially when they disagree, is very entertaining.

I often flip back and forth between the two shows during my commute.

This morning, Kirby discussed high oil prices on his show. I posted a
column on this subject yesterday. Kirby came to the same conclusion I did - that high oil prices will drive the development of alternative energy sources.

Great conservative minds think alike!

People who understand the power of capitalism realize that, although it has flaws, capitalism is a great problem-solver. There is no need for government direction. Capitalism quickly recognizes needs in the market and fills them.

High oil prices have already spurred the free world's research and development machine to pursue other sources of energy. Let's hope that a breakthrough is made soon, so countries like Iran are de-fanged when their primary source of leverage and power, oil, is made irrelevant.


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