Bush Lied, Kids Died, Part 3
“Bush Lied, Kids Died”
Once again, the anti-war crowd (mostly Democrats) exposes a key aspect of their way of thinking.
The “kids” referred to in the above slogan are the young soldiers in the U.S. armed forces. Anti-war Democrats also use the word “children” to describe these same soldiers.
You have to be at least 18 years old to serve in the United States military. In my mind and by legal definition, 18-year-olds are no longer “kids” or “children”, but men and women. They are young men and women, but men and women nonetheless.
Michael Moore, in his movie “Fahrenheit 9/11”, depicted young military recruits as being coerced into joining the military. Anti-war Democrats do the same.
By doing this, Democrats expose their belief that individuals do not have free will, that none of us control our lives, but must trust the government to protect us and control our lives for us.
The members of our armed forces are not “kids”. They are not “children”. They are men and women. They are soldiers. They prove by their daily actions that they are the best among us.
And we love and support them for doing a job most of us are not brave enough to do.
I agree with supporting the troops. Leader make the decisions and followers implement them. I hope the Y generation as one researcher puts it, is the generation that is willing to sacrafice for a purpose. As X generation myself, I want to rise up to be the leader, and war is one tool we need to use whether it is necessary or not.
That democrats, by their words and actions, profess that there is no free will only governmental protection, is an interesting observation. This will require further thought!
demcarts have no logical arguments to back up thier belifs. Therefor they are forced to fall back on inane slogans such as "Bush lied children died"
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